
Plan: (verb) To design a course of action for a future event or undertaking. It involves the process of thinking about and organizing the activities and resources needed to achieve a desired outcome.

Let’s lay the foundation for your digital success together.

Welcome to the first step of a successful journey. As the name suggests, in this stage business owners, project managers, users, and other stakeholders have the chance to share insights, thoughts, expectations, and points of view in a methodology derived from Jake Knapp’s Design Sprint method used in companies in the Forbes 500 all over the world.

This Quick Sprint Experience is a time-optimized version of the original Design Sprint 5-day experience. We also partnered with Sprint XP for cases where companies are willing to have the full 5-day experience that Jake Knapp’s Design Sprint offers. This partnership brings famous Design Sprint expert Erica Marques into the scene as the activity conductor.

Whether you choose the 5-day immersion with Erica or the simplified 2-hour experience, we have you covered.

As a result of that experience, Ei! will have a clear understanding of your background, preferences, and, most importantly, the goals to achieve. Other benefits include foreseeing any obstacles or hidden costs in the future.

Having a clear roadmap is half the way to success.


Planning is crucial for aligning all stakeholder’s vision with achievable goals, ensuring a smooth development process, and avoiding unforeseen challenges. This enriching experience may also reveal hidden pitfalls or future obstacles at a time the can be prevented.


Our planning stage involves a collaborative approach, using agile methods like custom or a full Design Sprint experience to define your project’s objectives, scope, and roadmap.


This stage involves business owners, project managers, and stakeholders working together to shape the project, ensuring that everyone’s expectations are aligned and the end-user’s needs are met.


Planning should be the first step in any project, Even if project has already started, it’s never too late to start planning. When a project is running we can take a moment to think and update strategies.


Our planning services are delivered through crystal clear video conferences, briefings, and quick consulting by email, with reports presented in PDF format.


We’ll start with a quick online meeting consultation with you to understand your needs, followed by a structured planning session using our Quick Sprint methodology with all stakeholders, this dynamic will produce both a clear project roadmap and a complete understanding.

Define your project’s roadmap
and align your vision for success

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