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About Esquivel Innovation

We are a B2B digital marketing agency localized in the South of Brazil specialized in developing custom high end website projects worldwide. We combine aesthetics, functionality, and innovation, delivering solutions that reflect the excellence and unique identity of each client.

What to expect from out projects.

  • Expertise and Focus: The specialized knowledge and dedicated attention required to create high-quality websites. This involves having a team with deep experience in web design, development, and related technologies, ensuring that each project benefits from the latest industry insights and best practices
  • Consistency and Quality: Delivering reliable and high-standard results across all projects. This means maintaining uniformity in design and functionality while ensuring that every website meets a high level of excellence.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: The ability to expand and adapt a website as the organization grows or as its needs change. This involves building websites that can handle increased traffic, additional content, or new features without significant redesign or reengineering.
  • Cost Efficiency: Providing high-quality services at a reasonable cost. This involves optimizing resources and processes to minimize expenses while delivering value, ensuring that clients receive the best return on their investment.
  • Reduced Overhead: Minimizing the indirect costs associated with running and maintaining a website. This can include efficient project management, streamlined workflows, and the use of cost-effective technologies and practices.
  • Performance and Security: Ensuring that websites load quickly, operate smoothly, and are protected against threats. This involves using best practices in coding, hosting, and security measures to provide a reliable and safe user experience.
  • Risk Mitigation: Identifying and addressing potential risks before they become issues. This involves thorough testing, regular updates, and proactive problem-solving to prevent downtime, data breaches, and other disruptions.
  • User Experience Design: Creating websites that are intuitive, engaging, and easy to navigate. This focuses on understanding user behavior and preferences to design interfaces that provide a satisfying and productive experience.
  • SEO and Digital Marketing Integration: Incorporating search engine optimization and digital marketing strategies into the website’s design and content. This ensures that the site is easily discoverable by search engines and effectively supports the organization’s marketing goals.
  • Compliance with Accessibility Standards: Understanding: Designing and developing websites that are accessible to people with disabilities. This involves adhering to guidelines like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure inclusivity and legal compliance.
  • Post-Launch Support: Providing ongoing assistance after a website goes live. This includes updates, troubleshooting, and maintenance to ensure the site remains functional and up-to-date.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Formal agreements that define the expected level of service, including response times, uptime, and support. SLAs provide clients with assurance and clear expectations regarding the services provided.
  • Multilingual: Offering websites and services in multiple languages to cater to a diverse audience. This involves translating content and ensuring that the site functions correctly in different languages.
  • Exclusive Unique Creations: Providing custom, one-of-a-kind designs tailored to the client’s specific needs and brand identity. This emphasizes creativity and originality in web design and development.

Mission, Vision, and Values

Mission: To enrich the online presence of our B2B clients, elevating their recognition and performance on the Internet.

Vision: To remain at the forefront of technology and design trends, providing innovative solutions through constant training.

Values: Commitment to excellence, business ethics, constant innovation, collaboration, and focus on client success.

Esquivel Innovation’s Differential

Esquivel Innovation brings to web development the experience gained as Google Certified Professionals in the field of digital advertising. Although our current focus is on web design and development, we apply this knowledge to optimize each project, resulting in lower advertising costs and superior performance for our clients.

Pablo Esquivel

Pablo, the project manager at Esquivel Innovation, played a crucial role in leading the Google Business Group Curitiba, along with Erica Marques, for 12 years. This initiative by Google was a milestone in promoting the use of technology and the growth of entrepreneurs in Brazil, establishing GBG Curitiba as an international success model. Although the in-person activities of GBG were paused, Pablo’s spirit of innovation and community service continues to be a model of inspiration in our work at Esquivel Innovation, reflecting our commitment to the success and growth of our clients.

Strategic Partners

Zoho Logo
Locaweb Logo
Prates Logo
Idea design Logo
Sprint XP
GBG Curitiba Logo
Idea Design
Sprint XP
GBG Curitiba
Idea Design
Sprint XP
GBG Curitiba

Our Design Philosophy

Impeccable User Experience: We prioritize an exceptional user experience, as we believe that beautiful design is useless without ease of use and user satisfaction.

Client-Centered Approach: Each client is unique, and each project is an opportunity to create exclusive and personalized solutions that meet their specific needs.

Advanced Functionalities: Our commitment goes beyond aesthetics; we ensure that our projects are highly functional, meeting the latest technological standards.

Senior and Innovative Profile: With a long history of following the evolution of the Internet, we constantly adapt to new trends to offer modern and innovative solutions.

Dynamic Content: We understand that a website needs to have life and interact with the visitor. We can contribute to user engagement and interest.

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